The experience of giving a speech in a catwalk with a 360˚ screen

Adriano Marques

After being invited to speak at the Creativity World Forum 2011 in Hasselt, Belgium, I was struck with the news that I was going to speak in a catwalk and that the presentation was going to be projected in a 360˚ screen, while the audience would be surrounding me from all sides.

That felt like a great idea, and I was really excited to give it a try.
When I got up there, I noticed that the catwalk had live grass throughout and it just summed up to the whole new experience of speaking in such a setup. While in the audience, I took a panoramic picture to try to capture the sensation of watching a presentation in a setup like that.

The screen had several copies of my slides running, while also showing in real time reactions of the public on twitter. Everywhere I turned, I could see my slides without having to look away from audience, and no mater where I stood in the stage, I couldn’t be blocking anyone’s view from my slides.
I really look forward for another opportunity like this!

Above, there is a panoramic picture of the break/networking space with a sculpture in the middle that emitted nature sounds and smelled like strawberries! Very cozy, besides the large public and an all new experience that just complemented the presentations we were all attending to.


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