How to change careers

Vittoria Ardore
Jr. HR Analyst

Believe in your potential to open doors.

  • When you start to believe in yourself, other people start to believe in you. Believe that you can and are capeble of train yourself for the area you want to work. Show confidence and dedicate some time.

Allow yourself to know you better.

  • The biggest risk of changing profession is make it without knowing about it. Allow yourself to ask “Why do I want to change? What are my dissatisfactions of the labour market I work today? What are my professional dreams?”. The more answers you get, personal and professionaly speaking, the more sure you are that this is what you really want and the greater your knowledge of your potential will be.


  • Sometimes we need to let go some things for others. Everything in life is choices. If possible, invest your time to learn and study. If you can’t, use your free time. Even a 5 minutes is valid to learn. Internet has lots of platforms with online and free courses. Add to your curriculum.

Create projects.

  • One of the main challenges for those who want to change their career is how to prove i can do and take resposibility for something i have never had expirience before. Side projects can give the recruiter confidence that it is something you are able to do and it can give you a “taste” of how does the new job feels like.

Manage your new career.

  • Now put into practice everything that this post taught you. Set your goals, stay updated about the labour market, make some network and make some relationship with your new job market. Invest in your personal marketing and be persistent.


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