Give Yourself a Good Hobby
When I was young all I liked to do was spend day and night playing my good and old PlayStation One. It was incredible, I really enjoyed those hours playing Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, ...
Creating a Kubernetes environment on AWS with kOPS
Have you ever wondered about deploying a cluster controlled by Kubernetes on AWS (or any other Cloud Provider) without suffering? Well, this post is definitely to you. I won’t compare tools ...
I heard that you’re playing with SEO
Hey people, hello again, this time we’re going to talk about SEO 📈📊In this article I’ll walk with you through the path I followed to improve the visibility of this blog ...
Docker for beginners
Hello you all, in this article I’ll try to explain the concepts of Docker and how you can dockerize your app with no suffering, so leeeeeet’s go 🤓 Objective The objective of this ...
You are not your code!
The title is obvious, but here’s the point I want to attack: many developers are triggered when it comes to a simple code review or perhaps some improvement or change to their code. Here ...
You are not your code!
The title is obvious, but here’s the point I want to attack: many developers are triggered when it comes to a simple code review or perhaps some improvement or change to their code. Here ...
Multi domain Nginx with automatic Letsencrypt certificate
What was the problem? I had a SWARM cluster with just one node and a Nginx server installed bare metal with all the domain config files in a folder. In this scenario, every new application I had ...
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