Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 12/04/21

Give Yourself a Good Hobby

When I was young all I liked to do was spend day and night playing my good and old PlayStation One. It was incredible, I really enjoyed those hours playing Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 05/03/21

Creating a Kubernetes environment on AWS with kOPS

Have you ever wondered about deploying a cluster controlled by Kubernetes on AWS (or any other Cloud Provider) without suffering? Well, this post is definitely to you. I won’t compare tools ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 27/10/20

I heard that you’re playing with SEO

Hey people, hello again, this time we’re going to talk about SEO 📈📊In this article I’ll walk with you through the path I followed to improve the visibility of this blog ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 24/09/20

Docker for beginners

Hello you all, in this article I’ll try to explain the concepts of Docker and how you can dockerize your app with no suffering, so leeeeeet’s go 🤓 Objective The objective of this ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 01/01/99

You are not your code!

The title is obvious, but here’s the point I want to attack: many developers are triggered when it comes to a simple code review or perhaps some improvement or change to their code. Here ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 01/01/99

You are not your code!

The title is obvious, but here’s the point I want to attack: many developers are triggered when it comes to a simple code review or perhaps some improvement or change to their code. Here ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV

Sem categoria 01/01/99

Multi domain Nginx with automatic Letsencrypt certificate

What was the problem? I had a SWARM cluster with just one node and a Nginx server installed bare metal with all the domain config files in a folder. In this scenario, every new application I had ...

Rhuan Silva
Former Tech. Lead at XNV


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