XNV - The Exponential Ventures

Find your dream job and work from anywhere.


Industry: Recruitment

Pluo comes from “raining” as we create a fertile environment for innovation and the blooming of great companies through a better and more efficient hiring process. We want to make dreams come true, providing a great team for your business and incredible opportunities for professionals around the world. #bepluo

Founder (s)
Vinicius Mesel and Rodolfo Egarter


Investor (s)
XNV - Exponential Ventures

About us

Founded in 2017, PyJobs has become one of the most popular job posting platforms in the Python community. Despite its aggressive growth over the last year, PyJobs has managed to maintain its focus on the community and ensure its impressive popularity among Brazilian developers. PyJobs remains, to this day, the job posting platform with the best return on investment for companies looking to hire quality software engineers.


Pluo platform is a result of the fusion of those three companies with the objective to make a international career possible to everyone. We unified all the experience with working abroad, and the knowledge on how to hire tech professionals on Pluo, making dreams come true.


Looking for a new challenge that will take your career to the next level?
Check our job openings and apply to join our team!

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